New judicial offices - Nuovi uffici giudiziari, Catania, 2020
Competition: Third prize
In a time of environmental transformation and economic instability our priorities should change. In our cities the most precious currency should not be the square meter, but the environmental and climatic conditions that the cities will be able to offer us.
We designed the judicial offices' masterplan focusing on the realization of a new natural environment, to give back to the city what's been taken over by urbanization, adopting green as a symbol of justice and equality.
The urban setting is defined by the positioning of the built volumes in the north part of the plot, organizing all the outdoor spaces to the south. A linear park that stretches along all the east-west axis realizes a "common ground" connecting the urban fabric and the future waterfront. The public green outdoor areas and the loggias may become the extension of the standard spaces where the judicial activities take place, promoting exchange and interaction.
Program: Offices, Park
Client: Regione Sicilia, Comune di Catania
Consultants: Studio Speri Società di Ingegneria S.r.l., Sintel Engineering S.r.l., Structura Ingegneria, Arch. Luisa Scambia
Project team: Sofia Francis, Guido Mezzera, Andrea Ravagnani, Beatrice Taiariol