


Masterplan, Ankerhagen, hamar, 2019


The existing environment of Ankerhagen is the basis of the proposed devolpement for this new residential settlement. Our proposal aims to create a flexible urban structure that takes its rhythm and alignments from the existing structure. Public green connections, interpretated as long parks, cross the plot, connecting it to the surroundings and to some focal places as the Ankerkogen park, the school and the Lundo, the new central activity center of the settlement.

The courtyards have a central role in the urban structure and for the quality of life, offering in a large space for playgrounds, greenhouses and meetings places. A sense of homeliness and neighborhood, coupled with green sustainability are some of the key aspirations of the project. The four building typologies allows social mixity, urban adaptability, architectural identity and diversity of outdoor spaces in a new green settlement.

Program: Mixed use, Housing

Client: NAL, Hamar Municipality, Norway

Project team: Andrea Ravagnani, Chiara Nastasi, Giuseppe SImonelli, Ines Weege